Bastyr University’s Master of Arts in Maternal-Child Health Systems aims to transform the systems that cause reproductive health inequalities. In this program, you’ll unlock your advocacy, research, and leadership skills and start creating change at the systems level. Much work is needed outside the clinical setting to improve maternal-child health and healthcare.
If you’re passionate about eliminating health inequities and transforming perinatal and postpartum health, this is the degree program for you.
The MA in Maternal-Child Health Services is primarily online, which allows students to keep living and working in their home communities. Students spend three days on campus, at the beginning of the program and at the end, and they attend two synchronous classes virtually most weeks of the term (typically on Tuesdays and Wednesday evenings). In order to graduate, students must complete a master’s thesis, capstone project, or internship of their choice, in collaboration with an advisory committee.
“The focus on maternal-child health care and the systems that create health outcomes felt more meaningful and useful to the career path I was hoping to follow. The evening class times made it possible for me to continue working part-time while pursuing higher education.”

Triniti Gorbunova, MCHS Alumna
What’s the Maternal-Child Health Systems Curriculum Like?
The Master of Arts in Maternal-Child Health Systems is offered primarily online, with two short residencies of three days, taking place at the beginning and end of the program at Bastyr’s Kenmore, Washington, campus.
This program takes four quarters, or one year, to complete, although a two-year part-time track is also an option.
The program prepares trained midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, lactation consultants, and other maternal-child health care providers with the knowledge and skills in advocacy, education and research, to expand expertise in maternal-child health beyond clinical care delivery. Students build on earlier education and practical experience, develop leadership skills, and acquire a systems-based perspective to promote more humanistic, holistic, rights-based, and equitable maternal and infant care.
What Are Some Possible Careers With a Maternal-Child Health Systems Degree?
Our graduates have gone on to work in roles such as the following:
- Education leadership, research, policy-making, and advocacy
- Program management and administration
- Research
- Consultant to maternal/infant health initiatives
- Educator in maternal-child health systems
- Local or national policy advocate
- Public health worker, community health manager and hospital manager/administrator
Take Your Next Steps with Bastyr
Start Your Midwifery Application
Are you ready to take the next step to a fulfilling career in Midwifery?
Start Your MCHS Application
Ready to take the next step in your Maternal-Child Health career?
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