How Can America Improve Care for Families? 


The White House has constructed a Maternal Health Blueprint that includes greater access to midwifery care in all settings for birthing people and their families. One of the goals of this plan is to help people with low-risk pregnancies (about 70-80% of all pregnancies) receive care from a midwife instead of from high-risk specialists (OBGYNs). 

This is already the standard procedure in many high-income nations like Canada, England, Japan, and New Zealand. As a result of this system, birthing outcomes are better in these nations, as it allows those who require more specialized care to receive it without burdening the healthcare system. 


Advocacy for Improving Maternal-Child Health Systems

Everyone deserves better care during their childbearing years. Some groups need it even more.

One of the best ways to enact this advocacy and change is through culturally congruent care. Having more diversity in the perinatal and postpartum care workforce leads to better outcomes, especially for people from historically marginalized communities. When people can choose a healthcare provider that looks like them and is from their own cultural background, it increases trust and respect. However, increasing the diversity of healthcare providers is only part of the solution. Training healthcare professionals to understand cultural differences and needs is a crucial part of providing culturally congruent care. 

Ultimately, there must be grassroots efforts and support for improvements at every level of care and action, all the way up to the United States Congress, such as in efforts like the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act. 

One of the most effective levels of action comes from individuals stepping up to provide a better birthing experience during the perinatal and postpartum period. Midwives answer this call, combining their passion for change and for birthing people to pursue impactful careers.

Another essential way to enact change is at the systems level, through leadership, advocacy and policy change to better support all families. Leaders in all areas of perinatal healthcare are necessary to create system-wide improvement.

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